Don’t mess with me today
Don’t push my buttons
Don’t tickle me
Don’t say anything
You think is funny
My shield is down
And without food
I have no strength
To defend myself
These hormones
Close the gap
Between my brain
And my tongue
My wounded heart
And my hand
So don’t tease me
Don’t taunt me
Don’t make me
Think about anything
Unless you’re ready for
The flood
Yearly Archives: 2009
Images (43/365)
Millenia passed
Birds sing
Flip a burger
Moose horns
Billboard sign
Make ends meet
Milk and honey
Murder mystery
Bananas for me
This Life (42/365)
These bodies
Mortal & fragile
Our soul
Immortal & immense
We yearn for the peaceful
Space between the stars
Where our better half dwells
We clumsily
Move these bodies
Against gravity
And wonder
If anyone is watching
And laughing.
Moon Worship (41/365)
The soft side of the sun
A hypnotizing orb
Peering gently
Through clouds
Lined with gold
I moonbathe
In the cool light
A rooftop party
A shooting star
Nature’s way
Of letting us know we are
Not forgotten
Even when most of the world
Perfection (40/365)
Is an intention
Not a destination
Is permanent
Though desirable
Need not
Drive the journey
For throwing’s sake
For cleaning’s sake
You won’t give up
When there is
Nothing to hope for
Living within his gates
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise
This is the day which the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
~Psalms 100:4 and 118:24
Undeveloped Thoughts on Capitalism
Allowing businesses full reign in your country is like allowing sovereign countries to set up within your borders. In many cases, they will not have parallel motivations and ethics and will lobby for changes that will allow them to sell more products, consume more resources, and grow larger, at a minimum cost to them.
Governments which allow independent individuals to set up shops and compete with each other must bribe such companies to comply with the common interest of that country’s citizens.
A corporation is a mini-government, having its own president, advisors, security enforcement, code of ethics, rule of law, etc. It just doesn’t collect taxes. It used to be that a company’s longevity and reputation mattered for its survival & short-term profits. But increasingly, investors are in the market for quick profits, so companies cater to investors on at least an equal footing as they do their customers.
Companies have even turned their employees into investors by axing pension plans and matching employee 401K contributions.
Sectors most influencing public health & safety should not be controlled by private investors. By safety I mean firemen, police, emergency services, children’s services, transportaion, fuel, etc. By health I mean the food chain, environmental custody, air & water. I’m not sure housing shouldn’t be in this category as well. Government should also have an interest in how its citizens are educated–not to influence propganda of course–but in making all its citizens aware of current advancements in knowledge as to prepare each generation for success.
I think a major problem right now is that we haven’t decided how to relate to the world as a country. I think as citizens we want to be secure at home then help others abroad as much as we can. However, as corporations, money coming from any source benefits the company, especially in the short-term.
America is a place where you can make quick buck with a good idea. Surely our inventors should be rewarded for what they bring to society. But the extent to which they are granted access to lawmakers must be minimized, and competing interests with the good of society must be recognized.
Our society does not benefit from factories being built overseas which sell products back to us. Our society does benefit from purchasing items overseas for which resources are scarce here (cheap human labor not counting as a resource, as slavery was abolished here).
I hope someone smarter or more-informed than me is advising our president and congress on this issue of capitalism within a democracy.
Rare Quiet (39/365)
In that rare quiet space
When I lose myself
And become aware
Of the bold white
Aura my peaceful
Nature exudes
I remember
We are one
Expressed in many
And you exist because
My grandparents lived
And your reaction
Was their oppression
And my love
Is your future
Globalization (38/365)
If your brother could do the job
But it would cost you more
Than paying a stranger
Who gets the job?
How hard up does your brother
Need to be before
He is considered
Above a cheaper alternative?
Destiny (37/365)
My stars have destined me
To be a leader
And a warrior
A communicator
And quick thinker
An appreciator
Of love and beauty
And pursuer of perfection
This is all I have ever known.