You can be
Lonely but
Never alone
For every
There is
That’s what’s so great
About 6 billion
Of us.
Even if you
Choose to suffer
In silence
You are not alone
In your choice.
Friends create
Trouble too,
You know.
Yearly Archives: 2009
Another Day in the Subway (19/365)
Here to amuse
Here to annoy
I look deep
Into your eyes
And you into mine
What will I find?
Something to love
Something to fear
A cute little dress
Shows off her genetics
The men can’t help
But stalk her with their eyes
Proves how little control
We have over
Life’s lust for itself
We are pretty packaging
For strands of DNA
And the smarter we are
The more sensitive to data
We compute
To survive and adapt
Tho’ to her chagrin
We don’t always choose
In favor of life
And the big have advantage
And so do the cute
The smart to a point
Or you can buy your way.
Charm is deceitful
And beauty is fleeting.
Invaded (18/365)
My throat is on fire
My jaws locked up
I trace a dull pain
Over my forehead
In my scalp
My shoulders round forward
To protect my heart
And warn others
Not to come near
My drooping head
Strains my neck
Even breathing
Irritates my tonsils
My insides fry
I sweat at night
And chill in the open air
My dreams are
The invaders
Are just trying to live
But I will kill them.
Sick (17/365)
Great Lighting
My roommate Uvonne’s painting was beautifully lit by the sun this afternoon (in the living room!). She now applies her talents to painted gourds, at
What Am I Good At?
I’m just wondering why it is taking me so long to find out what I’m good at
Fate is such a good teacher.
Experiment in Love (16/365)
When I felt my heart closing up
I opened it
I thought one word
When I saw a stranger
Smiles took over my face
Without effort
I relaxed
And expected the best
In my fantasy land
Where I had
Nothing to fear
Nothing to be angry about
Nothing to worry for
Just love
And I was given
So much
Free food
And peace.
Flock of Clouds (2)
A Flock of Clouds
Without Love
I am nothing