Don’t Dilute Yourself

Another great Rumi quote:

“If a beetle moves toward rosewater, it proves that the solution is diluted. Beetles love dung, not rose essence.”

This reminds me of how my athletes act around each other sometimes. In order to win the friendship of someone, they will compromise the good parts of themselves, and “lower” themselves to their level. It is good to remember that if a person isn’t attracted to the parts of you that are good, it is because they are not looking for that!


"Very few can sit down
In the middle of the fire itself…
We need intermediaries

"A feeling of fullness comes,
But usually we need some bread
to bring it.

"Beauty surrounds us
But usually we need to be walking
in a garden to know it.

"…All the things we do, are mediums
that hide and show what’s hidden.

"…A secret we sometimes know, and then not.


Keep Your Peace

Sometimes our bodies are full of energy and we need to expend that energy outward to stay sane.

For example, if you are waiting for the bus to come, and you find yourself going crazy just standing there, it will be worthwhile to walk a few blocks down the line and catch the bus then. You still get to your destination at the same time, and you stay sane in the process.

It is best to be able to calm the mind down to where you don’t feel the need for constant motion. Then maybe the energy you did not waste by walking around could be put to a better or more noble use.

Eminem & Kim

I had some time to boot up iTunes today so I just happend to download Eminem’s newest song, and before long found myself looking up Eminem & his long-time girlfriend/wife/ex/nemesis Kim’s birth charts. If the birthdays I found for both of them are correct, it is not hard to see why they are like oil and water!

Eminem’s Venus (relationship) sign is in Virgo, possibly the worst sign for marriage. These people are best suited to be with someone who doesn’t mind their perfectionist approach to a relationship. They want to be selfless and are truly devoted to their partners, but can come off as nit-pickers and controllers. On the other hand, Kim’s Venus sign is in Aquarius which is one of the most freedom-oriented signs as far as relationships are concerned. She needs time with her friends (or to do whatever she wants!) and will rebel against feeling trapped, controlled, or feeling like her off-beat ideas are not appreciated. She has more than one Aquarius in her chart, plus a good serving of Sagittarius, which all intensify her need for freedom. You can see why they were attracted to each other though…Eminem’s Mercury (which controls his thoughts) is in Scorpio, which would be intellectually stimulating to Kim. Because of Kim’s Mars in Sagittarius, she could be a bit of a nevous/anxious/tense person if she doesn’t have enough physical activity. It was cool to see so much Libra in Eminem (Mars & Sun sign), which can give him his great taste in music, the finer things in life, and also the fairness that you see in his lyrics, along with his intense thirst for justice which also appears as a theme in his music. His Saturn in Gemini could make him the well-prepared, well-rehearsed rapper who will seldom fail to perform well. With a Jupiter in Capricorn, he will work his ass off for what he wants, and he demands results.

See why astrology is so fun?


I find I have a lot to be grateful for this week.

The feeling of the moist sea breeze on my skin when I go outside.

My budget of $80/week for food still makes me feel like I eat like a king. I love that I can have a few meals a week prepared for me and I am grateful every day for how well I get to eat.

I love that I have a warm shower at home to use anytime I want.

I’m grateful for a boss who actively works on communicating better with me, even when I get frustrated.

I’m grateul for a boyfriend who is busy enough with his own life so that I have the freedom to do the things I love to do. He is my rock, in the sense that I can always come back to find him when I tire of my adventures in the world. I used to think I wanted a boyfriend to share the city life with, but I’m realizing that if he wanted me to go out with him a few nights a week I would not be able to run my businesses and have the impact on other people that I am able to have.

Cheers to how lucky I am at 28 years old, and all that will come of the next year.

Urban Safari

I just saw one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. A truck just went by with a group of people sitting in the bed with a protective, clear tarp boxing them in. The truck was painted with zebra stripes and was advertised as an Urban Safari. The tourists in the back wore hats and sunglasses and peered around at such scenes as people waiting for the bus or eating outdoor at a restaurant.

I laughed out loud. Too funny.

Running a Business

I’ve been learning more things about running a business. It’s interesting in that a business is kind of like a small government. A set of procedures must be developed & refined. A justice system must be in place.

Running a business is also a huge responsibility. I can’t imagine wanting to be a CEO in charge of decisions that will affect tens of thousands of lives…especially in these times where you can get fired so that the company’s profit will go up, or your job could get outsourced to cheaper labor.

I do everything I can to make sure the people I work with are taken care of first and foremost before anything else in the business. I think companies are unethical when they treat people as if they are less important than the product being produced.

Anyone who gets fat while people below him or her in responsibility suffer for no deserved reason is a thief, and they will certainly reap their karma upon themselves and/or their children.

Too Sensitive

Apparently I missed Obama’s quip on Jay Leno. He made a self-depricating remark about his bowling skills, saying it was like Special Olympics. Of course, a bunch of parents of special olympics kids got pissed off.

But what would have been the poltically correct thing to say? "I bowled as if I had a physical handicap" or "I bowled as though I was disabled." If you look like a retarted person when you do something, why can’t you say the person looks retarted?

I think disabled people will always have to fight our instincts toward survival of the fittest. This is not unlike the gay’s fight to overcome our majority instincts reproduce sexually. We ought to be able to tease each other about our outer differences, knowing none of us deserves a better or worse body.

On the other hand it probably is inappropriate to single out any one group when you are the president. The only way you can get away with that kind of comedy is to make fun of everyone equally.

Unfortunately Obama has a lot of pride (Leo, like me) and it is hard for him not to be good at something. He just has to swallow his pride on this one.

Speak carefully, Guard your destiny

Not every thought we have should be spoken. I think we have all cringed at the idea of others being able to read our minds. The mind’s job is to generate thoughts. Everything you’ve allowed the mind to observe is a data point that will later be used to make a thought.

We shouldn’t allow thoughts to become words when they are negative or clouded by emotion. Many times we say things we don’t really mean. But once a thought is announced, it becomes someone else’s data point, and it has new power.

Guard your thoughts, they become words.
Guard your words, they become actions.
Guard your actions, they become habits.
Guard your habits, they become values.
Guard your values, they become destiny.