Daughter of God

The story of Jesus’ life is a beautiful example.

Born to a carpenter and homemaker, but Son of God.

The story of the Virgin birth reminds us that though we are all born TO our parents, we are all Sons and Daughters of God ultimately.

I too was born to a carpenter and homemaker. I too am a Daughter of God.

Rain on Me

One rainy night
I got caught.
One can get away
With habits of haste
And complacency
As long as conditions are perfect.

But on a rainy night
You might slip in your haste
And break the delicate glass
That held your dreams.
The shards will cut deep
Into your hand
And force you to start
All over again.

On that rainy night
Those that drink from your cup
Will miserate in the cold
And wonder what you are doing.
‘Why must we wait outside?
We should walk away.’
They can’t see you or hear your
Sighs of regret
Through the dark, pounding rain.

On a sunny day
You get the benefit of doubt.
You don’t have to be perfect
When they’re are all having fun.
You can cut a few corners
And no one will care
Until it rains.

Social Networking

My roommates’ 16-year old daughter relayed the following information to me about social networking sites today:

“Myspace is for young people with no lives.
Facebook is for old people with no lives.
DeviantArt is for artists with no lives.”

(she is a DeviantArt type)

I just got invited to join FaceBook today, but that is not going to happen. I hardly have time to keep up with my real friends, much less time to chat with virtual friends (i.e., associates?). Unless they come any farther on that technology that allows you to wear a pair of glasses that projects your computer’s desktop image in front of you, and some sort of fancy keyless keyboard, I will be stuck in actual reality a bit longer, separated from most of my virtual friends who live on my computer by 2 or 3 days at best. I can’t exactly take out my laptop on the bus everyday (for one, it might get stolen (or at least envied), secondly, it’s too bright outside to see much of the screen during the daylight commutes).

I would be a lousy virtual friend anyway.

City Rules

For anyone that grew up in the “country” like me, we learned 2 basic rules to apply at any 4-way stop intersection:

  1. Come to a complete stop
  2. If 2 people stop at the same time, the person on the right has priority

Occasionally, a third rule applies, which is if the driver on the right is male, he will forfeit his right to go first and curteously yield to the driver on the left if she is female. Or, if both drivers are male, the driver on the right may choose to wave the other driver to go first if it gives him a chance to prove his graciousness, mercy, superiority, or control of the situation to any passengers in his vehicle.

It dawned on me today that common law rules in the city are quite different, to accommodate the more rushed and impersonal pace of city life:

  1. If you come to a complete stop, you effectively yield your right of way to anyone else approaching the intersection, who most likely will make a “California” stop. Drivers behind you will likely honk to signal you have made an inefficient, actual stop.
  2. If 2 cars “stop” at the same time, the car going straight through the intersection (not turning) has the right of way, no matter if they are in the right position or not.

Sold Your Soul

Now that you’ve sold your soul,
It’s an eye for an eye.
Everything that can go wrong,
Will go wrong.

Now that you needed the devil’s
Easy way out,
You must endure his
Nasty tricks,

Twisted promises,
And outright lies.
A fructose-sweet smile at first
Concealed her forked tongue.

Now that the contract is signed in blood
And your debts are paid,
You can’t turn back,
Even though

The walls begin to reek of sulfur,
The horns come out all around,
And your feet begin to burn,
But there is nowhere to run.

Like a puppet in the hands of Fate,
You are no longer in control.
It’s not long before you don’t recognize
Yourself by your actions.

You’ll lay your firstborn on the altar
And drive the stake
All the way through.
But the games have just begun.

And the devil is laughing
A wicked laugh behind your back,
While you wonder how much more
You’ll have to endure…

An infinity? You didn’t even read the contract.


"What have we become?
A self-indulgent people.
What have we become?
Tell me, where are the righteous ones?"
-DC Talk

I’m degenerating.

It takes 30 days to form new habits.
Selfless for 30 days is what it’s going to take.



The anarchists are almost right
Chaos is freedom
In a perfect world

We all want to be free
To float around our planet
Whenever the wind blows us

Happiness is losing control
Or realizing you never really had any
Peace is the dawning
That the sun will rise whether or not
We sleep

When we accept the full burden
Of any of life’s challenges
We take on too much
And the body suffers

Half must always be left to chance
Chance is opportunity
We don’t create opportunity
We invite opportunity

Opportunity is the sum total
Of all the variables our limited minds
Did not consider

We can sense it only
When we are open to chaos
When we stop trying to control
Our situation
Our loved ones

We observe the bliss
Of pi
As a circle
Only happens in perfect chaos.

Do more by doing less.

Wanting to Run Away

The CNN news story today about the fugitive pilot who defrauded people and went to great effort to run away and kill himself was so sad.

Just when you start to think that you are a failure as a human being, a story like this comes along. Imagine the huge hurdles in front of this man now that he has wronged so many people, and must live to face the consequences.

All of us have done things we regret. We handle situations poorly, sometimes at the expense of others.

If he didn’t have the courage to face those he had wronged before he became a fugitive, imagine how much courage he will need now to humble himself before everyone and accept the consequences of his choices, now that he has caused even more damage to others and himself.

My heart goes out to him that he can face another day and start to make the right decisions, and accept the punishment that will come.

Golden Globes

Coolest speech moment last night:
Mickey thanking his dogs, past & present, for being there for him when no one else was.

Second choice would be Kate Winslett making the most wonderful, stereotypical actress acceptance speech. So full of drama…this woman NEEDS to act!