Computing Solo (4/1000)

We are victims of our brains
They tell us lies when they’re afraid
They say you cannot live on love
They say you gotta protect #1
The people you exclude could one day save your life
Whatever it takes, stretch your arms open wide
Stop drowning in that sea of possibilities

Just Leave (2/1000)

I keep having imaginary conversations with you. They make me mad, they make me cry. My pulse races. I believed in you for so long. My ego won't let you fail. I'm the hung jury and the reluctant judge. You entered my courts with praise and I threw away the key. I will breathe you out, eventually. Please just leave.

Love Fortress

I want to blush in your spotlight
Be held tight in your arms
Polish your weaponry
For slaying the dragons
I’ll serve you soup from my gardens
And warm your body at night
Our love is a fortress
That protects the whole town


“To him that hath, more will be given
To him that hath not, even that will be taken away”

~Paraphrased from the Bible

“Having” is a state of mind. Feeling shorted by the universe seems to result in being shorted (or possibly it leads to feeling as if you have been shorted more often).