
So I'm really enjoying learning Chinese! It's been an average of about 1 hour every other day so far this week. I'm even recognizing/reading some characters now which is quite thrilling!

With my post-New-Years illness comes less motivation to do my yoga and crossfit. However I found running/walking with the dog today to be beneficial to clearing up my sinuses a bit. Glad I did it.

My circles keep expanding and intersecting. Tonight at our party met another Stanford hammer thrower who knows the hammer thrower I've been training with! And got an invite to check out the local rowing club which seems like a cool opportunity to build some rhomboids for a couple days…

Got a great insight tonight about my last relationship and business being symptomatic of me not fully stepping out into the world. Sad and ironic considering I've been quite independent and brave leaving very small towns for larger and larger ponds, but I guess it makes sense that I used my bf as an anchor of sorts, and my business as a shield of sorts. With all that gone it will be up to me to find my inner sense of grounding while allowing myself to fully step into myself and my city.

To a new year and a newer, improved me!

More Thoughts on Parenting

I do think American parents ought to be spending more time demanding more from their children. It has gotten difficult in 2-income households. Lots of excuses…

What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you’re good at it. To get good at anything you have to work, and children on their own never want to work, which is why it is crucial to override their preferences.”

Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything. The reason for this is a little unclear, but it’s probably a combination of Confucian filial piety and the fact that the parents have sacrificed and done so much for their children. (And it’s true that Chinese mothers get in the trenches, putting in long grueling hours personally tutoring, training, interrogating and spying on their kids.”

Western parents try to respect their children’s individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions, supporting their choices, and providing positive reinforcement and a nurturing environment. By contrast, the Chinese believe that the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they’re capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away.”

Shine with Me

Sometimes you’re my cloud
On a sunny day
The weight of your insecurities
Rains on me
While I glisten in the sunshine
And yet people keep coming into my life
At just the right times
Feeding my curiosities
Building me up
I’m going to be shining so brightly soon
Will you shine with me?

Breaking it Down

Keeping a text message log I was able to go back 5 months and analyze a relationship. What I noticed was that I preferred to have constant communication. If I didn't hear back from my love within a couple of hours I would get a little anxious. One day and I was questioning all intentions. After 3-4 days I would get extremely despondent and irritated. After 5 days he ceased to exist in my world and I desperately sought to find other potential mates!

My guess is that I was trying to fit this relationship into the previous one's template. My ex and I would talk EVERY DAY on the phone, or at least send text messages.

Part of it may be biological too…after 3-4 days a woman is wired to go back for more love to increase her chances of furthering the species!

All the while, my mind was constantly computing his intentions & motivations based off the time lapse and content of the last communication (a computation which is very subjective so likely 80 percent false).

Interesting looking at this relationship from a "scientific" point of view tonight, sans emotion. A good perspective.

Lessons learned: ummmm, two people may bring two communication frequency histories to the relationship (not to mention communication preferences, i.e. Email vs. Text vs. Chat vs. Calling). Silence might actually be golden sometimes. I need communication (or better yet physical contact) at least twice a week to stave off flight tendencies in a non-committed relationship.

Resolutions – 1st Draft

Send birthday cards on time!
Send Christmas cards
Call my parents at least 3 times/week
Call my sister at least 2 times/week
Daily meditation and hatha yoga 30 minutes
Read books – 1 chapter daily minimum
Study foreign language – 15 minutes daily minimum
Print & Hang pictures of family & friends somewhere I can see them daily
65m hammer throw and/or 55m discus throw (1-2 hours training daily)
Get certified in personal training & CPR
Travel internationally
Go with the flow – slow down and recognize when ego is trumping collective good
Take voice lessons & perform vocally
Learn to DJ and create a mix
Take vitamins & fish oil daily
Schedule exercise and social time
Schedule time with niece/nephew and parents (visit Bozeman, Idaho)
Schedule time with aunts/uncles (Missoula – Connie & Mike, Germany – Linda/Bob) & call and visit cousins (Alisa, Margaret, Tim, Aaron)
Back walkover, progressing toward a back handspring
Write blog/poem daily
Finances/Budgeting 3 times/week for 15 minutes
Weekly strategy sessions for track & field – 1 hour
Dinner party 1/month


Still reeling from the wonder of it all
I’ve experienced the Universe’s
Always perfect actions
In shockingly minute detail
And I’m in awe
Of the machinery of Life

Some call it God, a process
Some call it Love, a collective caring

Some are famed for the chunks they have broken out and understood
The scientists, the poets, the preachers
The parts are entertaining

But I want to wrap my head around the Universe
I want to feel the energy from every last packet of light vibrating against me like a giant massaging bath
A sea of static bliss

I want to comprehend the whole system
Before I die
Give me everything you’ve got
Astrology and religion and science and yoga and naivety
And everything