Every year I try to lay out what I want my life to look like. I dream again about how awesome things could be, and I try not to hold back. At this stage, it doesn’t matter how, it’s WHAT.
*jogging at the ocean 1x/week
*Kayak or join a rowing team, swim or surf 1x/month min. – get out/in on the water more
*hike Mt. Diablo
*find a local hot spring
*pay more attention to my appearance
*let people finish speaking – don’t interrupt
*spend more time enjoying my meals
*make time/spaces for napping
*Check email twice a day, morning and evening on laptop
*keep track of every single expense, log weekly
*Plan meals ahead of time
*Shop weekly
*stay barefoot!
*keep thriving – less striving
*save up for something
*International travel – South America, India
*National Travel – New York, Montana, Idaho
*State Travel – Bioluminescence Kayaking, Whale Watching, Mt. Diablo, Death Valley, Mt. Shasta
*Local Travel – Berkeley Hills hike, Bayview Park
*Education – health research, astrology, electrical engineering
*make more stuff
*take more pictures
*dinner parties!
*read one book/month
*one movie/month
*dancing 1x/month
*start making homemade cat food
*keep vitamins/supplements stocked
*call someone once/day
*Put away funds for gifts and charity
*take voice lessons
*Learn to play new piano song/hymn daily
*Stretch 30 mins/day (15 mins 2x/day)
*Keep fixing feet
*Keep fixing shoulders
*Keep fixing upper back
*Keep fixing hips/chins/calves
*Keep fixing eyes
*Fixing exercises 30 mins/day min. total
*Don’t rush stuff, let others go first
*Make love 3x/week minimum
*Keep room and office(s) clean and organized weekly
Re-Organized List (a couple items added):
*Check in quarterly to make sure this stuff happens (March, June, September)
*Don’t rush stuff, let others go first
*take voice lessons
*stay barefoot!
*keep thriving – less striving
*save up for something
*International travel – South America, India
*National Travel – New York, Montana, Idaho
*State Travel – Bioluminescence Kayaking, Whale Watching, Mt. Diablo, Death Valley, Mt. Shasta
*Local Travel – Berkeley Hills hike, Bayview Park
*Education – health research, astrology, electrical engineering
*make more stuff
*take more pictures
*hike Mt. Diablo
*find a local hot spring
*Make Monthly to-do list on last day of prior month
*Put away funds for gifts and charity
*dinner parties!
*read one book/month
*one movie/month
*dancing 1x/month
*start making homemade cat food
*keep vitamins/supplements stocked
*Kayak or join a rowing team, swim or surf 1x/month min. – get out/in on the water more
*Make Weekly to-do list on Sundays
*Keep room and office(s) clean and organized weekly
*Make love 3x/week minimum
*Plan meals ahead of time
*Shop weekly
*jogging at the ocean 1x/week
*weekly accounting of expenses/income
*visit local friend at their home
*Make daily to-do list in morning
*Learn to play new piano song/hymn daily
*Stretch 30 mins/day (15 mins 2x/day)
*Keep fixing feet
*Keep fixing shoulders
*Keep fixing upper back
*Keep fixing hips/chins/calves
*Keep fixing eyes
*Fixing exercises 30 mins/day min. total
*call someone once/day
*pay more attention to my appearance
*let people finish speaking – don’t interrupt
*spend more time enjoying my meals
*make time/spaces for napping
*Check email twice a day, morning and evening on laptop
*keep track of every single expense
*Plan meals ahead of time