So I’ve received word back from the car insurance company that not only are they refusing to pay my medical bills, but that they are denying I was injured in the first place. I can’t fathom why victims of car accidents are made to further suffer through this system we have created. It is asinine. I would be better off having my own savings account so that I get to decide whether I am healed or not, and how long to pursue treatment.
So I am left in a rather vulnerable position of having to take an insurance company to court, having already wasted 2 months of my time and money that I don’t have healing myself from an accident that was in no way my fault.
This on top of the fact that I am at a loss for how to get my next project off the ground and survive in the meantime. The room is filling up with water and I see no exit.
Sometimes pressure helps us focus and make breakthroughs. I hope I can McGyver my way out of this one. I also hope my community will step up to support me. I have such a heart for helping people heal and get healthy, and no means to support myself while doing that yet. I’ve never been good at reaching out because my young life was about proving my self-sufficiency. So I’m at a loss for what to do now. I need help to help others, and I’ve never felt so close to that help yet so utterly destitute.