A little inspired

I don’t know if it’s the fact that I got three workouts in today (2 walks and a core routine), or that I had a pint of DELICIOUS Belgian chocolate ice cream to wind down tonight, or that I watched an impeccable comedy routine by Ali Wong tonight that had me in stitches, but I feel inspired to write tonight.

I’m at the stage where I’m still figuring out ear hygiene. Like, I know what to do for my lips, I’ve pretty much got my face figured out. But the ears are quite complex. Like, behind the ears can get irritated from wearing glasses, and earrings. Inside the ears do you leave the waxy film, do you clean it, with what….i have a feeling there’s a lot to it.

I made really nice programs for my dad’s memorial service. I printed them from home. Each one required five cuts on a paper cutter. I made really nice videos for the service. Just like my brief tenure in marketing, I still make small errors: I didn’t fact check mom’s facts in the obituary; I’m still not 100% sure where my dad was born and need to look it up so the video better matches the obit. I’ve had to get the obituary changed online once already. But visually, everything was very nice. It helped that I had templates to go off of.

I’m feeling some life and health progress this week, after several weeks of feeling stuck in the mud. It’s encouraging.

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