Fearing change, accepting change, making change.
Author Archives: Christina
Good Writing (221/365)
It’s like wrapping a present
To give to someone
Pulling in all directions
Fitting the corners
Smoothing the wrinkles
Securing straight and snug
Then applying the finishing touches
Winding the ribbon and meeting on top
In a neat bow or a burst of joyful curls
Longing (220/365)
I’m longing for you
From my head to my toes
I still remember your first hug in the kitchen
But the chicken was stinking
In the can on the left
And that first sweet embrace was quickly erased
But the dance of our lives
Had only begun
And I left you in Albuquerque
To meet up in hot Miami
And you chased me to Montana
So I came to California
Finally home in San Francisco
I ly in my big bed
With thoughts of you in my big head
My partner, knight, and lover
And so much to discover
Still Me (219/365)
I look straight into your large green eyes
The pupils wide black pools
You gaze into mine
So small and so blue
We stare and your lids slowly close
For a moment I was there
In that room with myself
All consuming, all blissful, all free
I left in tears as I returned to this world
Still itching, still spinning, still me.
Evolution Series 1 (218/365)
Evolving into higher order
Taking energy from somewhere
We all feel it in us
A force for life
Defying the natural laws
In a spike of time infinitely small
Miracles happen
Personal (217/365)
But how do you really feel?
That story inside your head
The one you tell yourself every time it happens
What do you say to yourself
To get to sleep at night
When you don’t measure up
When you’re making that purchase
When you’re looking in the mirror
What do you say
That alienates others
Before you meet them
That closes opportunities
As you approach them
What thoughts are holding us back?
Without You (216/365)
My lover is gone
I stir the pot
Don’t whine! Don’t whine!
I’m ready not really
Another wasted day
Without you
Looking Back (215/365)
I’ve become the person I always despised
The wussy, cold blooded Californian
Liberal agnostic
Who takes deep breaths
Walks miles a day
Calls veggie burgers a meal
Buys her fruit organic
I never understood the girl
Who dabbles in astrology
Reads of the east
Who admits she doesn’t know it all
Especially about life
Who champions thinking twice
About issues once so black & white
I’ve accepted so much change
It’s a pattern ingrained
I thought I’d like security
But restlessness drives me
I await tomorrow with baited breath
Of course I believe in change
Anything less would be my death
You Can Run (214/365)
Why am I paying 25 percent
A sum I can’t afford
While the rich pay 1 percent
And run for office on the balance
Why do those crooks still have their jobs
While the honest scramble for dollars
The rebound a facade, I’m not buying it
The greed peddlers sold fake products
They should be in jail
They almost brought the country I love
To ruin
They bribed and they lied and we bought
Obama’s not perfect and neither are we
But you gave Bush 43 eight long years
You can’t purge a Senate in eleven months
Of the criminals who drank the wine
If the rich choose to sit on their piles of money
Winners in a game where the refs are paid off
Then God help them
When we take back our country
Touch (213/365)
The spark of a human touch
Sets off purring ecstasy
Connections heal
Don’t stop the flow
When I need it the most
Our skin not a barrier
But a bridge, a conductor
Bodies meet or repel into space