No room for yoga on a plane
But they were right about people!
Who thought fear was immortal?
Author Archives: Christina
Bubble Fever (211/365)
A microcosm of the creator
We receive, expand, and send
Then there are those
Who receive many big bubbles
Catch them in their hands
Then compress and compress
And add to their floating pile
While fireworks go off around the world
The explosion of the century is gathering fuel
The Process (210/365)
Show me my demons
I can wrestle them now
Show me your demons
And I shrink in disgust
Slow to compassion
But give me some time
We’ll work it through
In solitary we purge
Together we learn
Let it Be (209/365)
Misaligned, mistaken
Hurt by a phantom of the opera
Send joy to me
Let me be the glorious animal I am capable of
Let me be unmoved
By my imaginary fears
And driven by freedom, justice, and fun
Fill my heart daily with love
For myself, for others, for life
Let each day be a celebration
And constant worship of the great unknown
Help, help, help
"The idea of helping others is a subtle form of the ego. It is only the Divine Force that can help. One can be its instrument, but you should first learn to be a fit and egoless instrument…To grow in the spirit is the greatest help one can give to others, for then something flows out naturally to those around that helps them."
-Sri Aurobindo
Prose (208/365)
Turning the dials
Where will I land?
I’ve got a long way to go but only I can walk this path all the way
A new read on an old verse
It’s not a battle anymore
Think of it as perspective
Right Now (207/365)
We’re all enablers
Surely God won’t punish the successful
Who can get inside the mind of that
Infinitely patient comedian?
What does he care who finds him?
It’s not an Easter egg hunt
Can’t I enjoy the inbetween?
What’s the point of wearing this skin
If I can’t have some fun in it?
Steer Clear (206/365)
Once you get past the discomfort
Your sky will fill with a rainbow
Let the bad energy go
You don’t even know it’s there sometimes
Take it a step further
Don’t let it enter your body
It will twist your face
And scare away the children
Practice the good vibes
So you know the difference
Steer your own vessel for once
And for all
So Far From Magic (206/365)
What’s more important than living?
I show up late and basically do about 15 minutes of actual work
In any given week
My life is my new office
I’m in the same damned cubicle
I thought I blew up that pop stand
But here I am
A step forward on my broken ladder stilts
But still playing the game
I shoulda joined the military
Or maybe a convert
But I had my own ideas
Not a Game (205/365)
People keep mistaking me for being rich
I should have dressed nicely today
The mayor lives on main street
And kisses his wife by the windows
Like I’m a chipmunk but there’s no winter here
So what’s all the stockpiling for?
I finance myself
I take my own risks
I don’t run businesses like you do
Reputation, reward, risk, revenue
It’s not a game; it’s a civilization