Technology (204/365)

No more fluoride
Aluminum chlorohydrate
No more hydrogenated oils
Non-organic fruits
No more mercury sushi
High fructose corn syrup
Enriched white flour
No more sugar
Genetically modified
Irradiated meats
No more steroid
No more carbon monoxide
Burned hot dogs
Trash-burning dioxins
No more x-rays
Water bottles
Microwaved foods
And we’re just getting started


When 50% of our banks fail, they get a bailout.
When 50% of marriages fail, why does the government do nothing to save that institution?

Perhaps the gay marrige debate is just what we need to fuel rethinking of our failure to maintain proper relationships in our society.

Out (202/365)

Rattling this cage
There must be a way out
I’m tired of the fear
The isolation
The mind is an itchy trigger finger
She makes me nervous
And I’m so close to taming that beast
Charming that snake
Yes, I’m the peaceful warrior
Tall, proud, dressed in white
Riding my mare through the clouds
I protect my kingdom and rule with majesty
We, the people, with our faces to the sun.

Two Lovers (201/365)

What if I only wrote love songs?
Who would I be if I left this body?
Why do you want me so badly?
Where would I go if you led me?
What would I see with your eyes?
I want ten more years to play the game
Of efficiency, currents, and flow
Then what will you make of my living anchor
Who parked me so close to you?
Please show us mercy and resurrect us
As I was lost without him
Or if he is, in fact,
My tether to your world
If so, reel us both in together

Blend (199/365)

You won’t become an outlier
Buying the shine off a star
Be satisfied on your path
Recognize what fits
Sometimes our simple lives
Look empty from the inside
But you are not the one stirring your pot
The master chef decides when you are seasoned
You can scream like the lobster
Wither like greens
Escape and burn like steam
Or you can give of yourself and blend in beautifully
Satisfying all who partake
And bringing pride to your name