Sparkle (195/365)

We must be the lucky ones
Loving this life
Despite its twists and turns
And forever closed boxes
We shine in the good times
Hold hands in the bad
Meet each day with awe
Over deep-seeded joy
When we draw closed the curtains
They cheer for an encore
We oblige in gratitude
And give them a show

Truth Seekers (192/365)

The giddy nature of risks:
At once dreadful and enticing
Fear of the unknown can cripple and stifle.
The courage to be open to a wider truth,
To step out the front door of your cozy little box
Into a world beyond control where anything might manifest,
Offers great rewards to the full-blooded optimist,
Who sees rainbows through raindrops;
Reflections in puddles.
The risk is certain to yield dividends
Yet unnamed
And blessings to all who host her Highness in humility

The vital

"The vital is an indispensable instrument – no creation or strong action is possible without it. It is simply a question of mastering it and of converting it into the true vital which is at once strong and calm and capable of great intensity and free from ego."
-Sri Aurobindo