Wanna Work (176/365)

Easy unrest
Stressful peace
Chocolate & apples
Reverse mullet
Wanna create
Wanna give something
Wanna love sweeter
And see you again
Wanna be satisfied
With never being satisfied
Wanna give people jobs
And see them flourish
Ants with no leaders
We need a new economy
That builds communities
And never destroys
Put the product in our hands
We’ll be the stewards
They’ll lose a little control
And we’ll all benefit

Daily Poetry

Writing a poem every day has given me insight into my own life. For example, I notice that I write the most sweetest, love-everyone poems right before sickness takes over my body. I’m also noticing the astrological influences of poems written in different months of the year. There seems to be a correlation with the energy of the astrological influence (broad & sweeping, freedom & justice, detail-oriented, etc.). Maybe I will further analyze this when I am done writing my 365 poems next June.

To Know (175/365)

Can I find them in the mirror?
If I know each cell and nerve
The ecosystems and design
Should surely speak to my beginnings
Do I need to peel the layers
Of the body, breath, and mind
And dwell in the vaster silence
Of the inner worlds of black?
Can I find them in my animal
Her similarities and her differences
If I am sensitive to her energy
Will I gain knowledge of existence?
Or need I travel past the Milky Way
To worlds untouched by humans
See new life breathe new air
Make the puzzle even bigger
Deep within or deep without
Ever dispelling the doubt