Together (174/365)

My heart beats faster when you’re around
I say stupid things but it doesn’t matter
We know each other like we know ourselves
Two slumdogs racing through an urban jungle

We’ve known hard times and harder work
And we’re not afraid to take what is ours
We got so high now nothing can stop us
Fueling these dreams side by side

Just One (173/365)

Living on the edge of sanity
Jittery behind the wheel
Reacting to your friends a game
A habit of a fool
For emotions should be called upon
In times of dire need
Not tossed around untruthfully
Preventing you from truly feeling
Your interactions a charade
Not even close to two hearts meeting
But perhaps we wear these shields
For fear of blood brothers and sisters
144 ways to differ
Then a thousand more degrees
I’m attracted to the different
I’m a curious thirsty creature
So tired of living in just one body
Even with TV and teachers
But I dare not get too close
I could merge with you so easy
Then my lover would be angry
And my own body would miss me
But it’s hard to love others as yourself
Yet keep them on a higher shelf
As if they were chotchkies
Small items of interest
And not supernovas or bright as sunsets

The Middle (172/365)

Hope sustaining
Health sustaining
What’s our value?
What’s this power
That our instruments can’t measure?

Power to imagine and manifest
Power to breathe and move our limbs
Power that leaves with dying breath
Power fickle and formless

We build things so we must be gods
Or does the octapus do the same?
Then is it all a silly game?
Or does that question hurt my name?

For living is the only thing
We know we’re meant to do
And when the red sun rises cool
Another race will ponder who it was that set them spinning round in circles
Self aware past benefit
Guarding life in all its facets
While the universe collapses

Tell Her (171/365)

Tell her truth is almost always the best option
And that relationships need trust to grow
She needs to know she is safe in God’s hands
That holding tight isn’t as secure as letting go

Let her know the law of the universe
Is ordered chaos – nothing happens by chance
Just as every action causes reaction
We can never know all the variables, so relax

As a mind free of clutter finds the clearest path
Let her know that her tendencies
Are not a source of pride or shame – They just are
And to work every day at being

More trustworthy
More open to the subtle forces
More aware of the potential within herself and others
More aligned with the mighty cosmos

Satisfied (170/365)

Are you satisfied right now
Are you getting what you want?
If you always see a gap
You will find holes to fall into
Fuck the secret, swines or queens
The pearls transform the wearer
Even if you were a failure
At a thousand things you tried

Know that right now, here, today
You are perfectly aligned
Trust the process, open eyes
Join the laughter in the skies

Finding Faith (169/365)

If the church has failed you
It stings like the pain
Of a mother’s rejection
Or a father’s abuse
You want to believe
But the priests misbehave
The hypocrites preach
And no questions are asked
For faith to rebloom
Careful tending is needed
This is not the time
For impersonal dogma
Don’t stifle the seeker
With a wall of “truth”

It’s time to proclaim
What we we already know
Without an ounce of damnation
Nor beaten into submission
Nor shamed for salvation
For hell is our past
It’s time to raise up
A new testament
Of how we were saved

By love’s mercy and grace
And follow only those who show us the doors
While warning us gently of the trappings below

Christmas Trees (168/365)

I wanna go back to those hills
Where the air smells like pine
I would stand by myself
And watch the fog roll in
I would marvel about
How the birds fly without me
And how still it all seems
When we’re not around
I would observe in silence
As a breeze paints my lips
And plead to myself
To remember all this

Inspired (167/365)

Surfing on a colored wave
High above the ground
Cancellation headphones
Drowning me in sound
God is really here now
Hearts connect with lightwaves
Purity of expression
Now I really own me
Fade into the darkness
Babbling approval
No need for words now
Smoke and mirror sideshow

Building Occupation

I thought this email from the University president was worth posting:

Dear Colleague:
The short-lived occupation of the Business building at San Francisco State University on Dec. 9 by protesters was not a peaceful sit-in, not a student demonstration, and not an expression of free speech but an illegitimate takeover that denied thousands of students their educational rights.

When protesters forced their way into the building and chained and barricaded the doors, they caused the cancellation of all classes in that building that day. More than 3,000 students and faculty were shut out. This happened at a particularly crucial time, just before final examinations. We could not allow a second day of such educational disruption, so after the intruders rebuffed attempts at dialogue by the University, I instructed University Police to return the building to use by the entire campus community. Their efforts were effective and no one was injured during the incident.

Make no mistake.  I support — and indeed cherish — the right to protest, to peaceably assemble, to air grievances and to speak one’s mind. These freedoms are celebrated at SF State and serve as the foundation of our community. Barricading a building is not befitting our cherished liberties.  It was an intolerable and unlawful affront to them.

The demands listed by the protesters demonstrated how far from the very real needs of students and the campus they had strayed. You can find the list, which included such items as closure of all prisons, a 50 percent tax on multinational corporations, and the dissolution of the CSU Board of Trustees, at
The protesters also demanded that no disciplinary action be taken against them.  If you are going to engage in an act of civil disobedience, then you should have the courage of your actions. Civil rights activists – and I was one — did not demand immunity; they acted and changed our nation.

SF State and public higher education in California are in a state of crisis. We face unprecedented underfunding, which is harming students, faculty and staff and has forced us to turn away thousands of qualified students. We need to focus our collective efforts on restoring needed funding, keeping buildings open, and maintaining instruction. Students should be struggling to keep buildings open, not keep them closed.

Robert A. Corrigan, president