Why would you throw anything back but love?
Why would you throw anything back but love?
Why would you throw anything back but love?
Why would you throw anything back but love?
Why would you throw anything back but love, love, love, love, love, love?
Why would you throw anything back but love, love, love, love, love, love?
Why would you throw anything back but love, love, love, love, love, love?
Why would you throw anything out but love, love, love, love?
Why would you throw anything back but love, love, love, love?
Author Archives: Christina
Moving On (165/365)
35 thousand chances
To do it right
You’ve never wandered too far away
To turn around
The thoughts you repeat
Seal your fate
You must learn to let go
And believe in a dream
You’ve never hurt
Too many people
To be kind to the next one that crosses your path
Billions of mirrors
You break one you buy one
But you don’t have to carry it around
Tape it up as well as you can
Hang it on a wall in your house
Where it can see sunlight and life
Then move on
You can’t perfect any day but tomorrow
The Challenge (164/365)
The higher the mountain
The better the view
But the way is harder
And only a few
Will dare to risk failure
Come death, wind and cold
Sacrifice their lives
For an unpromised goal
So many ways to feel good
Without trying hard
But why parade for approval
When you could climb among stars?
Succeed (163/365)
Don’t take no for an answer when it comes to your success
Where there is the will
There is always a way
But the will must never rest
Don’t let them tell you it’s too late
Prove your resolve
Show them effort
It’s hard to stop a train carrying freight
Yes, you are disadvantaged
You don’t have all the tools
But you can finish what you started
Answer to yourself
Nuts (162/365)
We’re fidgety little creatures
Always needing a fix
Funny to watch someone freak out
Terrifying if it’s you
We all need a little yoga
Some deep breathing
Right brain activation
Make the little chipmunk inside your head
Oh, what we could accomplish
The joy we could spread
If we only knew how to use
The damned things
Changes (161/365)
I can feel changes coming
Something’s gotta give
The routine, the look, the attitude
I’m fed up with it all
I’m sick of myself
My habits and drugs
My shortcomings and failures
Tomorrow’s a new day
I’m turning the page
Change paths in the morning
Superhero (160/365)
You can’t do this forever
But I feel immortal today
So high and so low
I stayed there for a long moment
But I’m not ready to ly down
There are voids to fill
And I’m an ocean
No More Credit Cards (159/365)
Walking past restaurants
Sitting at a bus stop
Hands in my pockets
Nothing there but lint
Stomach is empty
And so are my bank accounts
A stranger sits next to me
And bites into a sandwich
So far from home now
Miles from my pantry
My heart sinks and pities me
Life without plastic
"Do not identify yourself with this mind, do not consider it as yourself but only as an obscure functioning of Nature."
-Sri Aurobindo
Misunderstandings (158/365)
On the surface it stinks
And what a dizzying spiral
I dug down to the root
A glowing gold brick of truth
So far beneath the layers
Of the dirt we used to cover
Our misunderstandings
If only you would take my hand
And follow my steps
As I lead you down my path
I could show you this treasure
But I fear you will insist on meeting me there
And you’ll dig with your tools
Using your methods
According to your understanding
Will we ever see eye to eye?