Seasonal changes
Howl at the moon
Help me help you
Reaching out
Pulling through
Overtime work
Not in the mood
Balance yourself
Time to reflect
Continue or change
Pulling strings overhead
Author Archives: Christina
Laundry Process Improvement
An improvement to my laundry process tonight: I first brought up my dried laundry and sorted it into 4 or 5 piles: Things with Legs, Things with Arms, Undies/Bras, Socks, Skirts/other. I then folded and put away one group at a time. For example, I have separate drawers for exercise pants, jeans, non-jeans dressy, non-jeans casual, and PJ pants.
This 2-step process was actually easier than sorting into all my 15-or-so piles at once. It was fast to do the pre-sort, which made for less wrinkles than if I had left them in the basket. I then came back at the end of the day to do the 2nd step.
Onward & upward!
Tired (130/365)
Drop dead tired
Word slurs
Keep a commitment
Consider it done
A Better World (129/365)
In this corner of the universe
We are all just trying to live
The greatest gift you can give is mercy
To let the bad vibes stop at you
If we all made each other’s lives easier
Fewer people might feel
Like fighting to hang on to what little they have
If all we could do
Was love and not fear
What peace would reign in our hearts
What sorrows would be forgotten
What blessings we could share
The world we could bestow
House of Issues (128/365)
Dig your way out
From the rubble
Of the house you built
That couldn’t withstand an earthquake
Piece by heavy piece
You piled them carelessly
Without a consultant
Without mortar
And now the real work starts
A Stormy Period (127/365)
Weathermen are rockstars
In Oklahoma
When you’ve seen enough storms
You learn how to react
When evil swirls your way
Like a dark, loud tornado
The only safe cover
Is underground
No use reasoning with a tornado
No use stabbing it with a knife
If it threatens you
Go somewhere you know you can hide
Create some space
To wait it out
Wanting to Let Go (126/365)
I don’t want to write a poem
About how it feels to be mistreated
Taken advantage of
I don’t want to write
About hurt, disappointment
And unmet expectations
I want to be free
Whose job is it to discipline?
Discovery (125/365)
Technology in the wrong hands
Can go very badly
What if you are the technology?
Stuck Moving (124/365)
Burning the oil I need for later
Racing to finish
Against myself
Not really knowing
What energy moves me
Why I come back again and again
Trying to keep myself from destruction
When chemicals fight the fire I flame
Confused (123/365)
Closer then farther
Connect and dissolve
Inside but calling out
Done or beginning