The Earth turns to bring me a new day
My soul reaches out for God
I’ve already won the Earth game
Let me climb to higher planes
Author Archives: Christina
Youth (97/365)
Like water dribbling its way down a hillside
We are all going somewhere
You can throw up a big dam
Do it your way
But in time you’ll realize
How small a part you play
In the lives of others
How the quality of interaction
Trumphs the quantity of efforts
And how your tone
Colors the memory
So become sensitive to the tides
And learn when to let go
And when to invite
A cat will tell you
Its fur your practice
Its claws your punishment
Eloquence Lost (96/365)
Where is the eloquence
Of days gone by?
How have the sound waves shaped us?
We can sing a thousand songs
And hum a hundred tunes
But we talk twice as slow as we used to
No one writes letters
Pen pals a long lost notion
We email and text
We call and voicemail
Communicate faster than neurons
Thoughtful words are a treat
Well written prose
That we rarely take time to enjoy
I rewind a hundred years
To find text that speaks
To my heart, my mind, and my soul.
Meatbag (95/365)
Gratuitous violence
Herbicides pesticides
Nervous system
Amygdala fear
The higher mind
Prefrontal cortex
Massive grey mass
A human has choices
And little information
Time to work
1300 books to read
We adapt to survive
Chaos dancers
Organize and thrive
Meatbag with legs
Respond (95/365)
Too hot to handle
We fly off the handle
Count to ten
Simmer down
Maturity is practicing
To respond, not react
The only way to show
Real love and respect
Emotions are important
In a primal sense only
To evolve we must think
Of the greater good.
We put the Love in Evolve (94/365)
Loving for you
Loving for me
Loving saves the species
Our big brains
Our big hearts
All looking out for each other
Abide by the law
And peace is yours
Make your own rules at your peril
Billions of eyes
Ears, hearts, and hands
Follow the yellow brick road
Love’s Burden (93/365)
I’m tired of your drama
My burden is enough to bear
How do people do it?
How do two separate souls
Who have grown up worlds apart
Agree to get through life
Are you selfish for sharing your pain
Or am I selfish for not wanting it?
Is it worth the added heartache
To leave your lonely days behind?
Are my words an insult to the ones
Who’ve lost the one they loved?
Immense (92/365)
A shiny red plane
Flies under the half-moon
As I walk on the clouds
Brimming with potential
A galaxy slips
Through my fingers
And I stand agape
Worry (91/365)
You have to believe
You have everything you need
To meet the challenges of today
I look at what others have gone through
And wonder if I could win
In that situation
But the universe has strange and wonder-full
New things in store for me
Events I could not imagine
My brain only logs my experience
Who knows what paths will cross
Declaration Day (90/365)
The moment you declare your intention
The testing period begins
If you decide to love
Prepare to be heartbroken
If you decide to live
Prepare to look death in the eye
If you decide to conquer
Prepare to fail and fail
If you decide to give
Prepare to have it all taken from you
The treasure of the champion
Is not the gold award
But the discipline, courage
And co-operation learned
Getting up each time one falls.