Enlightened (79/365)

When everything affects everything
Of course your childhood matters
The wrongs you were dealt
Were not your fault
But the result of the wrongs of forefathers

As we grow older and shed our dead skin
We should purge the wrongs that have plauged us
Forgiveness is leaving
The past in the past
And instead claim the future as yours

Then you hold the dreams of the human race
Your lips and your feet can be golden
Let each step you make
Blaze a trail to the truth
And carry the world on your shoulders

The Ride (78/365)

Water drips at the tug of gravity
A banana wears its bright yellow pants
My soul longs for beauty, simplicity

When my consciousness streams
For a song, a kiss, a project
I ride with the river
Not even a splash
As we roll over unseen landscapes

Let me be as the water
While I have this brain
And obey the sweet laws that formed me

Or let me be as the fruit
In a colorful suit
Admired, peeled back, and consumed.

Dream On (77/365)

I want to paint you
A beautiful picture
A landscape of hills
Colors galore

I want to play you
A tune for the ages
A melody so sweet
You can’t help sing along

I want to thrill you
And challenge you
Lead you to a new world
I want to go there
And go there
Come hell or high waters
Diverted, Amused
Overcome and enjoyed.

The Speed of Trust: A Review (75/365)

Nothing is as fast
As the speed of trust
In a relationship,
The market, and society

Organizations are no longer built on force
Speed is the ultimate
Competitive weapon
Trust, the one thing
That changes everything

Keep your commitments
Trust should be guarded
Integrity and caring intent
To the end

Be capable, get results
At work and at home
Forgive, manage risk
Trust, analyze

Get better, more efficient
A Social Capitalist
Honest and loyal
Willing to relearn

Transparent, Respectful
Reputation and a handshake
Character; competence
Trust is a verb

Extend to create
Stop wasting time
Commuting and making change
Nothing is as fast
As the speed of trust

Deluded Again (74/365)

The wise remain quiet
As fools rush in
I try to be understood
When I should understand

Familiarity breeds contempt
We all like a mystery
Every man craves the chase
She tends to assume the best

Let me be an echo
Nothing new between my ears
The delusion was that what I gave
Was ever mine at all

Conversations (73/365)

If you would only read all my poems
I could tell you what’s in my heart
Perhaps I need to practice
Growing the distance
From the brain to my mouth

When your thoughts are like images spewing out of a fountain
It’s impossible to name each one as you speak
Much less to keep them in assembly
I move my lips at a narrow mumble
A sort of dam on the reservoir

Our conversations like a dance
With a waterfall
Powerful and it keeps spilling and spilling
Until it loses its magic and majesty
And you just leave