Regret and the Future (63/365)

Smudge away the past
Start fresh, born again
Into the body you had yesterday
As the sage fills your nostrils
Your wrongs leave the body
Tomorrow you get another chance

Your friends won’t tickle your ears
So imagine the lion within
The dignified ruler of his pride
Provider protector discipliner
Love guides and love loves

Today (62/365)

Tenacious in litigation
Frugal and wealthy
Proximity to power
Ideas need influence

Rushed and guilty
Running’s not how
I measure myself

Feeling the love
Gone is the fear
Gonna dream big
Gonna get strong

The sky is my art
Words are my drugs
I breathe in some peace
I breathe out a song

Relax for a second
Another close call
Change the rules
Walk away
Prepare for the worst

Simple or Not? (60/365)

Why strive for more than average?
What’s wrong with the simple life?
Ignorance is bliss
Meager or eager?
What makes us reach for the stars?

Is it life’s greed for life
That we think we must strive?
Believe we can change, grow, rise above
With the strength of our will
Live one more day
In hope of a miracle

Why do the hearts of men
Relish beauty, fantasy,
And stories of the gods?
Do we miss being among them?
Or are they bedtime stories that keep us alive?

Live Your Life (58/365)

Forget the media
And the lies they promote
Forget the weeds they plant in our heads
Forget the ads for so much trash
The rich are selling us a world we don’t want
Don’t buy it
Or meditate for a moment
On their storylines, hook, line, and sinker
We’re all suckers
For eating the garbage at the bottom of the lake
And we end up fat and ugly
When we should be alive and victorious

Insurance, Crime Prevention and Healthy Living

Car insurance is needed because cars often cause expensive property damage, and sometimes expensive bodily damage. If you don’t want to pay for car insurance, you can take a risk that you won’t get in an accident, or you can sell your car. You can pay a fine if you get caught without car insurance.

Health insurance protects us from getting sick. This is more complicated. A person may be born sick, or have greater risk of getting sick due to genetics, age, exposure to pathogens or carcinogens, income level influencing food choice and sanitation, or simply from making poor choices or forming terrible habits or addictions.

There is life insurance, home owner’s insurance, gap insurance, even wage insurance and debt insurance.

How about crime insurance? Some people are more prone to commit crimes than others. From parking tickets to homocide, wouldn’t this be an interesting idea? Perhaps we would care more about prevention and healthy living if we all paid into a crime insurance pool.

Like George Carlin said, "These are the thoughts that kept me out of the really good schools."