I feel like a seed
Small and innocuous
To any casual observer
I’ve been shoved deep into fertile soil and I’m about to burst open
Wildly in all directions
With roots that take hold
Colors that charm
And tendrils that climb and scream for the sky
Author Archives: Christina
You were sewn from an infinite thread
That’s why Love keeps tugging at your heart
The Lover misses you
When you’re lonely
Come back!
Don’t you remember
Getting everything you wanted?
You still do!
Desire is a powerful magnet
So be careful what you wish for
Run it up the flagpole
Make a list and check it twice
When the nets you cast return empty
Or brim full of surprises
Push on, little human
You’ve got a job to do on this planet
And you’re just now learning to aim this big gun
Even the boys know it’s about trust and surrender
And retiring from your post
As general manager of the universe
When are you going to quit your job
And start showing up for work?
The world needs your pink afro
Your penchant for threesomes, stupid jokes, and mushroom honey
Why else would it ask you to be born?
Use your glorious mind to imagine doing the only thing the universe asks you to do: Thrive, thrive, thrive!
Drawn In
It’s just a black ant crawling on a white elephant anyway
Stark but pretty inconsequential
From a distance
What matters is that the big guy’s breathing
And munching on some grass
And the little guy is eagerly navigating the hairs
Making his way across the surface
Going nowhere, really
But you insist on sitting and staring at them
And I am drawn in
No Sugar-Added Eating!!
So I have gone an entire week without adding the chemical sugar (sucrose) to anything in my food! I have also not eaten anything containing sugar (or HFCS) listed as an ingredient. And it feels great! I have been forced firstly to conjure up new desserts. I have grown fond of plain organic yogurt with raw honey and nuts.
I found this fabulous recipe for raw fudge that has been hitting the spot daily:
1 cup almond butter
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup agave syrup
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (I prefer pecans)
Simply mix them all together with your clean hands in a little bowl. Then spray a 8×8 pan or loaf pan with Pam and press it firmly into the pan (or cute molds). Refrigerate for 1.5 hours and enjoy! Doesn’t give you that sugar rush like regular fudge and gets more delicious the more you eat. And it’s GOOD for you!!
The main effect I’ve noticed so far is that my skin is more clear and glowy looking, saying a lot for the typically worst skin week of the month. Plus my little eye laugh line wrinkles actually look smaller! It is possible I have been smiling and laughing somewhat less after having been ridiculously ill for 2 weeks though ;-)
On with the experiment! Let’s see if I can last a whole month…
Inside My Head
I must trust the expanding waves
The ones that pull on my heart
Begging it to free itself
I must smother the contracting waves
The ones that set the hamster spinning
Flinging worry and fear
Still learning who to trust
Who to listen to
Inside my head
More than ever
I need the company of my heart
When visiting that booby-trapped, overgrown jungle
New Blog Look
I’m kinda excited to show off my new blog look! I first posted almost five years ago, and have stuck with the same black blogger template all along. I kinda liked its parallels with the greater darkness of the universe…BUT…all things must change! My new look is decidedly journal-looking. I went back to my intention for having a blog, which was simply a journal/catalog for thoughts I enjoyed having or thoughts I wanted to remember later. An electronic scribble pad of sorts, open for public comments should anyone find what I think to be remotely interesting.
I’ve got some work to do to put back all my other pages, firstly my hundreds of poems, so this site really is under construction.
Bin Laden is dead tonight. To the melancholic feeling of killing and moving on…
They’re so full of lies
The angry prisoners of this world
Their minds are mush
They were bitten by zombies
And on they go recruiting in misery
I’ve been bitten so many times
When I thought I was safe
By parents, friends, teachers,
Professors, coaches, lovers
We get sick sometime after
Can’t figure out why we feel bad
The toxin is multiplying
Feeding off our fears
It’s a lifelong mission
To surface and purge the venom
And to keep your mouth shut
Your teeth to yourself
Especially around children
Until the pain subsides
Relatable Lyrics – Tristan Prettyman
it’s a confirmation for your imagination
this type of situation goes on and on
what to do, how to see
when every little thing seems to get in my way
well i can’t breathe
and i wish that you couldn’t take your eyes off me
but it’s never easy as it seems, is it?
please, softly before i scream
breathe, breathe, breathe
say you adore me
what good could you be for me
and after i’m gone, wondering where you went wrong
cause you’re only taking inches when i’m giving you miles
did you figure that maybe i wasn’t worth your while?
well i can’t breathe
and i wish that you couldn’t take your eyes off me
but it’s never easy as it seems, is it?
please, softly before i scream
breathe, breathe, breathe
cause where you got me is where you want me
where you had me but you left me
and let this go on for so long
got me where you want me
where you had me but you left me
and let this go on for so long
and i can’t breathe
and i wish that you couldn’t take your eyes off me
but it’s never easy as it seems, is it?
please, softly before i scream
breathe, breathe, breathe
Weddings, Love, Hope, and Detractors
Yes, there are terrible things going on around the world, things which deserve our attention. But can’t we have a day at least once every couple of years where we come together to celebrate success, happiness, hope, love, and dreams?
I think the negativity out there just goes to show that we really find in the world what we find in ourselves. Like Mother Theresa said: “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.” In this way, we really can change the world, all of us, one person at a time. What if we all took Gandhi’s advice to “Be the change you wish to see in the world”?
You are worried about ignoring Bahraini training pilots who were kicked out of UK flight school for participating in a peaceful demonstration and now are being extradited back to their country to possibly face brutal torture? Then check yourself, to see if you are in any way trying to control or force things too tightly around you. Make sure you have forgiven those who have inflicted control and torture over you in the past. Learn to stand up for yourself in a calm, assertive manner, like the child of the universe that you are.
You are worried about the extravagant cost of a royal wedding at a time when the same country is instituting austerity measures. Examine your own feelings toward money. Do you view it as evil? What is your relationship with money? If it were a person, what would it look like – A monster? A teacher? A beautiful lover? Houdini? Is your relationship with money one of respect, utility, and responsibility, or is it one of fear, scarcity, guilt, entitlement, or laxity? What attitudes toward money are you carrying into every other part of your life? Your work? Your love life? What are you inviting in and what are you pushing away?
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” and you will be able to enjoy celebrating when the world celebrates.
The Beauty of Baptism
What miracles we miss out on when we are constantly worried about our survival, worried about what others think, etc. Today I finally understand the beauty of baptism under water. What a wonderful symbol for sending you back to the womb, when you were surrounded in fluid, all your needs were perfectly met as if by magic.
If we could remember that although we appear separate, there is constant support for our existence. You are surrounded by air which keeps you alive. There is light from the sun which produces nutrients when it hits your skin. There are connecting energy fields that tie us all to one another on this planet. We are tied via our communication channels, by our thoughts, which create energy waves, which, when produce action, affect others directly.
Life is a force to be reckoned with on this planet. We humans are one of its strongest manifestations in our time. We have the energy of the universe supporting our existence, if only for a brief time. We must trust that our best interests are also the universe’s best interests, and that other humans and life forms are here to make us stronger. The Earth is our new womb.
The other option is that other life forms are out to kill us, but why spend your time worrying about that? Religion has evolved to keep our faith in the universe strong, and now atheism is evolving to keep religious nuts from killing everyone.
Let’s all just take a deep breath, and go back to that time, underwater, when you were nestled in perfect warmth and comfort, trusting fully that all your needs would be provided for. Now, go out and live as if all your needs are already met, today. If that feels too heavy a load to remove, then perhaps you need to say what you need to say, and do what you need to do, to eliminate any feelings of not having done enough, said enough, etc. Chances are you will be a much more happy, productive, and prosperous contributor to society.