Less about me

Just write
Cycles of Pain

How has it been 17 years?
Starting a family
Lust for comfort
Choosing or being chosen
Attracted to the exotic

Don’t let them prey upon your dreams
Too sheltered
Too exposed
Wanting to integrate

Keep me humble
Less about me

Zoom In

A silver-lined spiral
Perched up high in the nothingness of air
Obsessed with this image
I keep changing homes
In my dreams
Always new treasures, bigger rooms;
Signaling a better life is in store for me
But the toilets never work

Winter thoughts

Dry leaves cracking beneath my shoe
The heavy darkness of winter
Temptations of hibernation
But we keep on
Even though we are probably better off conserving energy for more fruitful times
The thrusting of rockets is a pattern engrained
An aggressive bet against a weak hand


We create systems that are like ourselves. Our advanced executive function (ability to think/communicate about many many different things and say yes/no/yes/no/yes/no) is reflected in the polarity of our politics. We constantly structure things as to get a yes/no decision. We think action is the consequence of a yes/no decision.


With your desire for me
Your juicy seeds
My ripeness
You consume me
Like it’s the last thing you’ll do
My body throbbing YES
A Male Female Male Female
infinity knot

Ideas, Nonsense

Most large corporations have philanthropic divisions. But is there an equivalent of the stock market to influence American values/interests within corporations? Money talks, and since government continues to erode its monetary influence over corporations (forget judicial–which still works in some cases but not in others–PG&E comes to mind), what if corporations were paid by shareholders to uphold certain values? You would think this would be the job of the person buying the goods, but the power differential is too vast there to be of influence anymore.

Fat and Happy

The warm air surrounds me like a soup
As I zip through it
I penetrate the darkness a little further
Find another glorious edge
I can’t wait to tell everyone the story

Just as the joy crescendos
I hit a pack of tourists
No, zombies
The zombies are not hungry
I begin to understand murder
Recognize sanity in a vagabond

The wind blows away my murderous thoughts
And gratitude finds me a little further down the road
I am exactly where I wanted to be
And it’s oh so satisfying
Not even close to cold in the dark of night

I remember that I escaped the hard life
Through the strength of my endurance
I desired an easier path
More connection, more dependence, more abundance
I desired so much.

Leaving behind the gritting of teeth,
The raising of voices
The nails digging into flesh
The gleam of the butcher knife
The madness and folly of self determination

And jumped onto that roller coaster
Diving dangerously close to death
Spilling the change from my pockets
Leaving me breathless
Weightless, penniless
Completely dependent

Ready to receive
Ready to be a woman
Ready for a new life
Ready to love
Ready to manifest

Abortion Questions

Questions for pro-birth activists:

Do you believe a woman has agency over her own body and over what lives or dies inside of it? If not, who else should get to decide what lives or dies inside a woman’s body?

Do you believe that all humans naturally and always reproduce in ways that are responsible and will benefit their society and their families?

Should there be a punishment for those who do not?

Do you believe a woman should be forced to carry to term any life growing inside of her, regardless of the degree of deformity or decay of said life?

Do you believe that a fetus growing inside of a woman should be treated as an independent being even though it is completely dependent on the woman for its birthing? That is, should the woman have no say over the birth process of that being? What other rights should that being have? And at what stages?

Should the government dictate how many children a woman should give birth to or how many children a woman should not give birth to?