Happy to be
Back in the game
Never knew it was still played
After 30
Feeling inspired
Feeling alive
More like myself
Now to keep me
While letting you in
Love and not lose me again
Author Archives: Christina
A Reason for Joy in the Fog
Foggy Trail – Mt. Davidson
Crazy Rock Formations near Glen Park
"You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."
Sunny flower on a foggy morning
Entertained (34/1000)
My life story delights me
More often than not
I wonder
How could this all have been written?
How is THIS perfect?
A writer somewhere is rofl to themselves
Glad to participate!
Pacified (33/1000)
The pacifier is back in my ears
Played a game of disinterest
For too many years
It wasn't my game, but I got comfortable with it
Now to sit with a stranger
My mind races for words
Not sure of what suits the moment
The energy
I'm playing a new game
Where I'm guessing the rules
But music I can dance with
Flowering (32/1000)
Tired of the stagnation in my abilities to love
Take me up like a flower
Peel back my delicate petals
Let's see what's inside
Black Eyed Peas
This quote fits me perfectly tonight. On the front porch at my after-dance block party of one.
"Welcome to the end
Do not panic
There is nothing to fear
Everything around you is changing
Nothing stays the same
This version of myself is not permanent
Tomorrow I will be different
The energy never dies
Energy cannot be destroyed or created
It always Is
And it always will Be
This is the End and the Beginning