“You’ve got this strange effect on me. And I like it.”
Author Archives: Christina
So True
“The use of a university is to make young gentlemen as unlike their fathers as possible.”
~President Woodrow Wilson (the country’s most educated president)
The Donnas
“Forget the application
You’re the right guy for the task
Let me take you on vacation
Just do it, you don’t have to ask”
Poet (24/1000)
Give me your dark
I can hold your sorrows
They always find me
Like a moth to a flame
My well is deep enough
My arms wide enough
My joy sufficient
To see us through
Liftoff (23/1000)
Once you learn to pilot the craft
These bodies can be lots of fun
It takes years to learn the controls, the brakes
The touch, finesse, and trust
The glory is in competition
With yourself or with another
Controlling your limbs
To control your world
Gives a thrill like no other
The Mighty Have Fallen (22/1000)
I thrilled today
In the death of a giant
Its mighty crash
Scared the cattle away
That it should choose me
As its only witness
Made me humble and proud
And full of respect
I tiptoed around it
And tasted its blood
As it dripped from the roots
That finally gave way
Rest in peace
On the meadow
You died with a bang
We all turn to dust
My Freedom (Lisa Bevill)
“I was a self-made girl
But I was a slave to my world
I never really knew
My freedom
Giving everything to you is where I find my freedom
I took a long way home
‘Cause I had a will of my own
Now looking back I see
Only you could have given me
My freedom
Letting go
With all my heart and soul
Living in your spirit feels like paradise”
Ode to Music (21/1000)
And when I had slayed the final dragon
I pointed the sword unto myself
After a lifetime of war
The enemies are always near
Peace is deafening
Unwilling to sit in silence
Torturing myself
I summoned the birds
Who sang of lands traveled
And carried me into tomorrow
Nature’s Wish (20/1000)
Too cold to sleep
The bears wander by
But they just want me to be happy
Hold This Mystery (19/1000)
Let’s see
If I can hold this mystery
Without giving in to
The lies
I keep telling myself
About myself
If this is a test
Let me be satisfied
That my cup is full
And runneth over
And let myself
Really explore
My new happiness
Without shitting in it
What if I really was
All I dreamed I could be?