Open Air (18/1000)

Enjoy where you get planted
On a ledge by a waterfall
Getting showered by the mist
While rainbows light the air
Sometimes you have to grin and bear it
When there’s no work to be done
Except a grounding and a listening
And peeking into wildflowers
There’s a whole new world inside
That you could lose yourself into
Spend the minutes counting money
Or the specks on monkey flowers
Is it really all the same?
Is the point just to be happy?
When there’s pride in small advances
What the mind and hands create
Where’s the pleasure in the pleasure?
Can I be happy with less and less?
Will the natural abundance
Ever compare to my mind’s treasures?
Simple thoughts thrown to the sky
I may be spinning but I’m fine
Soon enough I’ll come back down
And be the ringmaster again

Camp Mather (17/1000)

On the long ride into the valley
You came along with me
I saw you at the campfire
While the children sang their songs
I walked into the mountains
And you hiked along beside me
We tasted wild mint and raspberries
Breezes danced upon our skin
At night you laid beside me
While I gazed up at the moon
Bathing on the picnic table
Taking in the silver light
In the shower I showed you frogs
That peeked out of the handles
While swimming in the lake
I held a turtle up for you
When I shivered in the morning
You held me tight and kept me warm
You sprinkled me with kisses as I played out in the sun

Window Project

So I'm pretty proud of my window furnishings project at my office. I have recessed windows that needed blackout coverage. I bought tension rods and hung two sets of heavy IKEA drapes from them – a dark color in back and white in front. Great, cheap blackout! The drapes are heavy, however, so I needed extra support. I ended up buying hardwood pole sockets for like $2.50 a set and used a dremel tool to carve them out to fit. Voila! Beautiful, functional blackout for $40 a window!!

Doped Up

Did you know that there’s a little chemical in your body that is activated by cuddling, and causes you to feel relaxed and MONOGAMOUS? I’m pretty sure the MONOGAMOUS effect is gender-specific – i.e. women start feeling monogamous. Not fair.

Did you know you can overdose on oxytocin, if you get too much at once (like during orgasm), you will feel like pushing a person away from you rather than cuddling(?), wow! A solution is to cuddle at times OTHER than sex to keep the chemical more constant. It is activated during activities such as petting a cat, which explains my cat’s reaction when I pet her too long . Apparently her oxytocin tolerance is much lower than mine.

I’m sure there is some relation to oxytocin and massage. We have had one or two semi-creepy clients ask for super light strokes, which probably sets off the nerves the most quickly to instantly produce the chemical. Junkies.

I remember being totally grossed out in high school when my 2 best friends (you know who you are!) would spend waaay too long stroking each other’s bare feet. I suppose I assumed there would be some kind of side-effect sexual stimulation that I wanted no part of. But I guess I have experienced many times that you can give a massage, or pet a cat, with absolutely no sexual “firings” of any kind, so perhaps it was all too cautious.

The next problem is withdrawl. Couples can literally become addicted to each other for this substance.

Doped up.

I <3 Chemistry.

Meet Me There (15/1000)

It's all just an act
The differences between you and me
I wanna be the one you trust
To be naked with
To be honest and vulnerable with
Because it softens you
And makes you glow
Radiating that love
Casts a spell of beauty
That transfixes
And lifts the beholder to a higher frequency
Damn, girl!

Move Over (12/1000)

The fog rolls in, blanketing my insecurities
One kiss and a new world opened up
What will I do with my freedom?
I’m sick of my doubts
I’m getting glimpses of the new me
And she’s who I want to be

I was made for today

I’m getting out of my own way

Beware Routine

"…bestowing liberty upon a person who had known nothing but servitude had its share of complications. When Jefferson freed his chef, James Hemings, the poor guy didn't know what to do with himself, begged to be taken back, became an alcoholic, and ended up committing suicide."

-from Secret Lives of the US Presidents