Stifled (351/365)

I miss breaking into your house
Falling asleep on your bed
Holding your hand in the car
I miss sex on the beach
My little blue dress
Steaming up the windows
I miss leaving dirty messages
Going away for the weekend
Cooking together
I miss last-minute meals
Shrouded by importance
Undressing each other
I miss me

Fantasy (350/365)

Is it just me,
Or do I really need
Your tatooed biceps
To throw me up against a wall
So close I feel your heat
Wet lips against my neck
What would I give up?
For your dark skin
And sparkling eyes
Lighting up my world
Your breath against my cheek
The low rumble of your words
Who would ever know?
The chemistry we share
Like keeping magnets apart
The nuclear fission energy
Of life lusting for life


It's going to be very scary when they * start breeding/engineering humans like they did dogs. Imagine, a very beautiful girl but she's deaf in one ear. A great athlete but only lives to age 15.