I need to hook up with some mental health professionals, or something. If there was a "No child left behind" why is there not also a "No adult left behind"? The daily spectacle of homeless, mentally ill, drug abusers, and otherwise strayed peoples in this city is heartbreaking. Is it wrong for me to want these people to enjoy the same quality of life that I enjoy? Do we not have the "technology" to sober people up and set them up for success? Do we not have the resources or will to "institutionalize" care for those who are incapable of serving the community?
Author Archives: Christina
Struggle in the City (344/365)
A man was laying, slumped on the stairs
That go down into the subway
He looked up at us
His yellow eyes and dark face
As I was walking down
I stopped and asked him if he needed help
He looked at me
A face swollen and one eye infected or gone
And said painfully
I just need a coffee
I said "Oh, okay," then left him alone
He needed much more than a coffee
I told the operator about the man on the stairs
Got on the train and burst into tears
The View (343/365)
I'm on the precipice
And it's exhilarating
On the edge between
Falling and flying
Time and energy
Movement and rest
I've planted a seed
And it's starting to grow
A life of its own
Amazed by my child
And its silver-lined wings
Climbing (342/365)
I'm climbing the peak
Can see glimpses of the next valley
Its meadows look so inviting
I can't wait to rest there
Night Thoughts (341/365)
I guess it rained while I was working
The roads are black and quiet
I guess you made it in safe
It was too late to call
When I thought about it
I guess I should get some rest now
Another day of business tomorrow
Wanna Feel Good (340/365)
We are wonderful catalysts
Unlocking the energy of the world around us
Did the rocks feel bad about turning the plants into oil?
Does the sun want to die
When it burns someone?
I'm tired of the misery
And this left brain
What good has it done for me lately?
Done (339/365)
Too tired to write a decent poem
My stress and time crunches
Compounded my troubles
I'm bruised and broken
At least I have family
And a cat to love me
Long Day (338/365)
I could see how someone could get lost in the pages
Caught in the web
If I never went out
I would always find the words
Present the best me
With no one to test me
But I'm weak in this moment
I can't be there for you
I'm a sucker and a drain
I can feel my own weight
And I wanna be light
Don't want an easy way out
I'm just tired of myself
Guess what? I'm just tired.
Intention & Courage (337/365)
He's dancing with her intentions now
Her mind paints the future in broad, bold strokes
Then all that is needed
Is the courage to drink from her own cup
And be satisfied, as it is good
Souls Rising (336/365)
She held my hair back
While I vomited, shaking
This happens every minute
Of every day
All over the world
We are all carriers
Of the diseases of our ancestors
Bless the patient souls
Who tend to the unfolding
Year after wretched year
With calmness and empathy
The painful evolution from
Misery to bliss