More Ready (334/365)

I’m sailing above the pink and purple clouds
And if it’s all an illusion I don’t care
Because I’ve known my whole life
How much power is within me
And if exposure means abuse
I’m strong enough now
I’m steady enough now
I’ve tested the universe and its laws are intact
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine

Track & Field Hall of Fame Quotes

"If you have to choose between aggression and doubt over the next few days, choose aggression."
-Hall of fame inductee

"1. Be nice to the officials
2. Listen to your coach
3. Appreciate your support
4. Focus on the one thing you can control – your work ethic
5. Always stay positive and have fun. If you are not having fun, why are you doing it?"
-A.G. Kruger, Hall of fame inductee

Practice Gods (332/365)

We're only human
Pretending to be gods
There are thoughts that keep us focused
And there are impulses that keep us mired
And there are systems 'round the world
That take the focus off ourselves
Because when all I see is me and mine
I'm a black hole that scares them all away

A Better Tomorrow (331/365)

Was it that the murderers and thieves
Adulterers and cheaters
Could not see the error in their ways
Until he showed them they could be loved?
Is it not obvious to a man
That sins against any fellow man
Retard your growth
Burn your bridges
Keep you trapped in walls of hopelessness
Who is our savior?
Who can touch the hearts and minds
Of our youth?
Who can convince them that the narrow path is worth traveling alone
And that faith, hope and love build bridges to the future of your dreams
When there is safety in numbers, mediocrity, and fear

Oneness (330/365)

What can we infer
From whence it came
It showed up spinning, growing and fading
Small and furry with sharp sharp teeth
Isn't it obvious our minds are the keys?
We are ice in a glass of water
Somehow remembering from whence we came
In our songs and poems and pictures
It's all a clinging or running from oneness