I slip into bed
Like my favorite pair of socks
The fluff hugging me in all the right places
Hoping my words today
Matched my intentions
I only get one lifetime to work with these gifts
Trigger happy
I slip into bed
Like my favorite pair of socks
The fluff hugging me in all the right places
Hoping my words today
Matched my intentions
I only get one lifetime to work with these gifts
Trigger happy
An Indian flute song came from my showerhead
How out of place it seemed in the city!
The pace here feels artificial
Unlike the native in the forest meadow
Sitting in the sunshine, while a bird flaps its wings
Until I remember the volcano
Or the ocean
But the volcano is forced
And the ocean is pulled
I suppose
Not unlike the people
Rushing around the city
How many times
We grieve what was lost
When it was never really ours at all
In an ever-changing world
Let your heart be at peace
Like the molten core releases heat
Add slowly turns to iron
Try again tomorrow
You must be so patient
Your loudest critic is yourself
She loves to run her mouth
I just read a book
About the life I might have lived
Now all that is left
Is to be quiet
I went hunting today
And I killed it!
Adorned in bright happy colors
But none of them are local
All the stores are candied fronts
For the same factory
A bubblegum machine
For the salivating masses
"What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.
"Oh Divine Master, grant that I not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love."
"Treat each other with curious affection, which evolves into respect, which evolves into love" As if one of you is the Messiah…
Change was seen as negative, stability was actually stagnation
Salvation is in our midst; what have we to fear?
A clear purpose allows us to forget what doesn't really matter.
Never confuse doing things right (efficiency) with doing the right things (effectiveness).
Being comfortable is less important than being relevant and being powerful.
I took the day off today
The universe seemed okay with that
The sun smiled in approval
While I bathed in a bikini
Then walked to the hairdresser
My mind took a vacation
From the endless mindless gabbing
As I napped upon my book
My body groaned in painful pleasure
As I tended to its tension
Maybe healed in some small sense
Tomorrow's steps will feel much easier
I'm not your mother
You're not love
Then what are we in this for?
I'm getting more impatient every year
My saving grace is grace
My neurosis lurks and pounces
My burden grows
A monkey on my back
Chattery and good company
But he's weighing me down
I was born to play
So don't pencil me in