Banana Slug

I was thrilled to see my first 3 Banana Slugs this weekend while on a hike to Buzzard Ridge, near Santa Cruz. They look just like the one in this picture, and they are very cold and slimy.

So disgusting yet captivating! I can see why A Perfect Circle used them for an album cover…

Actual sighting/photo by me below (on the trail)!
Rayvn & Me - Hike 00017

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17 years ago

Congratulations! I have yet to see one myself. Then again, I don’t think they are found in Seqouia or Death Valley. I guess I’ll have to visit wetter climes. How’s life treating you? I’m still busy as always and loving life. Have a good one.

17 years ago

Thanks Jives! As you can see, life is treating me well this month…getting to see banana slugs and all! I’d love to hear about what you’ve been up to sometime.