Meet Me There (15/1000)

It's all just an act
The differences between you and me
I wanna be the one you trust
To be naked with
To be honest and vulnerable with
Because it softens you
And makes you glow
Radiating that love
Casts a spell of beauty
That transfixes
And lifts the beholder to a higher frequency
Damn, girl!

Move Over (12/1000)

The fog rolls in, blanketing my insecurities
One kiss and a new world opened up
What will I do with my freedom?
I’m sick of my doubts
I’m getting glimpses of the new me
And she’s who I want to be

I was made for today

I’m getting out of my own way

Wondering (9/1000)

I guess a girl like me
Could fall in love four times a year
And be perfectly happy to bond
With every inch of her heart

The thing about monogamy
For years and years on end
Is a necessary stability
Whilst other things are changing

A sort of simple firm foundation
For the babies and life changes
For the ups and downs, life crises
Through sickness and in health

It sometimes helps to ponder why
You settled down just when you did
Did that person rock your world?
Did it make sense from the beginning?

I am curious to know
Which paths maximize love best
From sweet beginning to sweet ending
When just one love is not your calling

When our only template is infinity
It hurts to love less long
But on the bright side, dating me seems to have a marrigable effect on my suitors once they move on

So horray for their chains and bliss
And horray for my life's love song
May our beds be ever warm
And our hearts be full and strong