Delusions of Grandeur

Living in a city like San Francisco can give you a false sense of security and order on the planet. The neat, symmetrical buildings with their clean, wide sidewalks are somehow making me nervous tonight, like something so humanly perfect is bound to come crashing down…Some kind of entropic feeling I’m having, I guess, like this much order can’t exist for long in the universe.

Maybe I’m just feeling weird in the aftermath of my intense experience today, giving Reiki to a woman. I had all intentions of giving a chair massage, but her symptoms indicated an energy imbalance, so with her permission I attempted Reiki instead of continuing with the chair massage. What we experienced was nothing short of awesome. My breathing and heart rate slowed, as I went into a sort of trance, and the energy pulsed between my hands as I attempted to balance her energy. It took about 10 minutes, but her energy finally calmed down in the back-of-throat region. We experienced a sort of oneness in that powerful exchange that compelled a hug afterward, as we both looked at each other in amazement. I was on a high for a while after that, although I felt somewhat drained of energy, like a river had been flowing through me, had cut a channel, and had suddenly dried up, leaving an empty channel. But I soon restored the energy by stretching and coming back into awareness of my body.

I found it difficult to keep my humility for the rest of the day, because I knew I had accomplished something very powerful. I had been the biggest skeptic of Reiki healing, but after today I am a believer. I affected someone else’s energetic makeup by the laying on of hands. Cool.

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18 years ago

I feel connected to your experieence in a big city with tall buildings and feel like “something is going to come crashing down”. While living in Boston, I used to take comfort in the “urbaness” of the city. The way you can be unknown yet surrounded. I loved to watch people and make up stories about their life based upon what they were reading, what they wore, what stop they would take on the buss or the T. One day after getting my hair done and wearing a crisp new white suit, I was approaced by a man trying to raise money for heart walk. While filling out the form, the energy of the city changed. The gut instinct you get when you decide to get on an elevator alone with another person (the one that says bad person or good person) made my hair stand on end. A group of spread out homeless people were moving in on my position. The man was a plant. Although I was surrounded by people, they knew that no one would come to help if a dozone homeless people began to beat me. I ran quickly. To this day in an urban setting, I still attempt to observe with my eyes and feel with my senses what might “come crashing down”.

18 years ago

Thanks for the spooky story, yikes!