In Danger

McCain put us all in danger by nominating Sara Palin. It’s the same kind of short-term thinking that has gotten us into the current financial crisis.

He chose someone who could give him a bump in the polls, not someone who is capable of running the country he supposedly loves if he were to kick the bucket in the next 4 years (not implausible).

That kind of unethical decision-making makes me angry.

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16 years ago

Interesting, I feel the same way about Obama. That his inexperience and poorly thought out plans are the kind of short term thinking that puts us in danger. He makes me very angry.

16 years ago

I agree about his inexperience, that is his greatest downfall. However, I don’t see that his plans are poorly thought-out. You have to get 2 houses of Congress to agree with your plans, so insisting on great levels of detail in a presidential race can’t help you pass important plans.
I do worry about his inexperience, but I am comforted that he displays great thoughtfulness and measures his words before speaking. I am most impressed with the ethical way he has run his campaign. Not perfect, of course, but with the highest of ideals always as a foundation.
I think he will make us all proud as president.

16 years ago

I rock for Barack, but I just can’t imagine this race without Sara…she gives great SNL material.

16 years ago

Yes, if only the job of the President & VP were to entertain us as we slide into demise.

15 years ago

Go OBAMA!! Even Dylan knows who is better!! and he’s 7!! Anyway, darn you for putting comedy central on here. I am supposed to be studying for my organic chem test!!!! he he. Love ya