Stop the Dopamine, Live the Life you Want

So this is yet another hypothesis. I realized this tonight after a long day of hair picking/pulling and getting fed up with it. I was thinking of a way to hypnotize myself:

The key to stopping any addictive behavior is to interrupt and repattern the reward circuits in the brain.

When you do something that gives you pleasure, you begin to form a chemical attachment to that activity in the brain. The more the pleasure/satisfaction occurs, the stronger the attachment. Research dopamine.

So, in a moment you are not caught up in an obsessive/addictive behavior, you can actively work on shutting off your dopamine pump toward the undesirable activity.

Imagine this activity your mind loves to do. Now imagine something horrible happening because of it. Become repulsed. Repeat this 10 times.

I found that this was actually a relaxing activity! My forehead and jaw softened as I made the negative association and my breathing deepened. It is as if I snapped myself out of a begging dog posture toward the pleasure of the activity.

For every time you slip up and allow yourself pleasure from the offensive activity, create an equal number of unpleasurable experiences with your imagination. For example, every single cigarette drag, or every nibble at a nail.

I’m excited to try this out. Let me know if you try too!

How Long ‘Til I’m Sick of my Songs?

I remember hearing one time that if you listen to a song over and over, you will eventually reach a threshold where you are “sick” of that song. Either you won’t hear it/register it while it is playing, or you will get annoyed and want to skip it. The number I remember being told was 42 or 46 times (don’t recall exactly).

I have about 300 songs on my BlackBerry right now, which I use when I go out jogging with my housemate’s pit bull. I also use it occasionally on the bus or BART when I want to listen to music, but I’m ignoring that for simplicity.

So I was wondering how long it will take until I get sick of all the songs I have on my BlackBerry. I don’t want to leave the house one day to find that I have to skip over every song on my BlackBerry.

So my calculation went like this:

300 songs

probably have listened to them at least 20 times already, assume 20 more good listens

each song probably averages about 3.5 minutes

So that means, I have about (300*20*3.5/60) = 350 hours of listening left before I am sick of every song, or just about a year of jogging with the dog. Seeing as I started this last September, I am approaching the threshold!

Time to reload/buy more songs.


The Penis is Dying Hard

This week Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show had a skit talking about men who send pictures of their penis to women’s cell phones when they first start seeing each other. Most unfortunately in the past year, this has happened to me. Twice. And they did not get another date. I like to refer to it as premature epictulation.

But I liked my housemate U’s take on this new trend: The era of the penis is coming to an end. And rather than lay down and take it, the penis is going out with a bang, popping up everywhere in a desperate attempt to be relevant (sorry, can’t really avoid the puns :-)).

George Carlin (a man, by the way, R.I.P.) had a great perspective on this issue:

” In fact, I happen to agree with most of the feminist philosophy I have read. I agree for instance, that for the most part, men are vain, ignorant, greedy, brutal assholes who’ve just about ruined this planet…who’ve just about ruined this planet because they’re afraid someone might have a bigger dick out there somewhere. Men are basically insecure about the size of their dicks and so they go to war over it. You don’t have to be a political scientist or a history major to see the bigger dick foreign policy theory at work. It goes something like this…”What??? They have bigger dicks? Bomb them!!!” And of course the bombs and the bullets and the rockets are all shaped like dicks. I don’t understand that part of it, but it is part of the equation. So I agree with that abstract. That man… men…males have pushed the technology that just about has this planet in a stranglehold. Mother Earth raped again, guess who?…”Hey, she was asking for it!” ”

~From Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics CD

Apparently the Mayans predicted the dying of the overly masculine energy long ago. I heard that this current  Mayan long count (144,000 day cycle) was a masculine one, coming to a close next December, 2012. It will be followed next not by a feminine cycle, but by a cycle of harmony and balance between the sexes. My hope is that this is an energy more catering to the feminine tendencies toward communication and gentleness as we relate to each other around the world. The world is getting smaller, via the interconnectedness we are experiencing , not only with the internet, but by how our economies are also intertwined. In order to survive, we will need not brute force but skills in understanding and finding common ground.

You can already see a shift beginning with the election of Barack Obama. Remember how controversial it was when he proposed negotiating with countries that disagree with us? This was deemed a “weakness” by some, who want a commander-in-chief to always appear “tough.” This is old thinking. This is showing your penis before figuring out what the other side really wants and needs :)

More Theory of Mind Musings, and Why You Suck at Math

If you have not heard of Theory of Mind, it’s quite remarkable:

Basically, as humans, we all have minds, or assume others have minds (!), and we have to interpret what someone was thinking or meaning based off their words and actions. This is a VERY complex data operation, which is probably why you don’t see any computers able to do it yet.

Well, some people are able to interpret or correctly guess what others mean and think much better than others. I happen to be pretty decent at it. I have this validation over 31 years of figuring out what people mean and being pretty close to guessing why things happen most of the time.

I think this is a highly right brain-oriented activity.

I know some people with genius IQ’s who have a LOT of trouble doing this. Their brains are simply not wired to process complex inputs for a correct output. This is not to say they don’t take in inputs – they certainly do, and probably at a rate much faster and higher than normal people do, the problem is they don’t know what to do with all the data once it is swimming around in their minds. They become very LOGIC-oriented as a coping mechanism, reducing the myriad data into discrete, easily-solvable functions, which many times yield simple but incorrect conclusions.

For example, I asked my housemate John, a security guard, whether he sucks at math. His answer is that he is able to take a very large problem and break it down easily, but has trouble with very simple algebra when you start with a short, easily solvable problem. He is also VERY adept at his job, which requires him to figure out what people want and why, even if they are not speaking English.

I know someone VERY intelligent, who relies heavily on people asking him questions, rather than letting him interpret what they are saying and comment back. This is a way of getting around the complexity of the data inputs.

The left brain is more adept at spatial awareness, and processing language and data like mathematics, but lacks complex interpretation skills. That’s what the right brain is for. No, I’m not a brain scientist nor can I point to any specific study that verifies what I am saying, so use your brain to figure out if it makes sense to you or not ;-)

Not working at 2pm on a Monday Guilt

So I’m at home laying in my bed at 1:48pm on a Monday, and that feels wrong. And it’s wrong that it feels wrong!

The conditioning to work 5 weekdays and rest on the weekend is really ingrained in me. Maybe it was the 18 years of school/college 5 days a week, every Monday. Maybe it was the 3.5 years of corporate after that, working steadily every Monday, except 2 weeks a year.

But I’m trying to avoid beating myself up about it. I feel sleepy and I feel like resting. After all, I worked both days this weekend. I coached a private client on Saturday. On Sunday I lead a hiking tour, networked, and held a business presentation. Today already I have sent business emails, calls, and met with another private coaching client for an hour, and now I want to rest.

I shouldn’t feel this guilty!!!!! Society and its conditioning is sick, haha.

Move and Love – Beyond Words

Still encountering boulders
Rafting ever down this river
Still freaking out occasionally
Hitting at them with my paddle
Thinking again
With the wrong third of my brain

The animal reactive
The calculator

Vestiges of an ancient world
Where we ran for our lives
And communicated with words
Ever in crisis

But we’re remembering
With each surge of adrenaline or despair
Our real intelligence
Has no thoughts, no language

We only just move, play and love

Staying Awake

Facing strangers
Shattering our shells of glass
I reach out and touch the case you came in
I like this one
It amuses me
And I need to be amused

I want my illusions smashed

I want to run my hands all over your body
To feel my soul
My numb, empty, hollow insides
That only fill with love or rage

I blow my worries away
Cuz they shake the vessel
I need to be calm
Or alive and glowing intensely
This life is a dream
And we live it like it’s real

I want to swim in the wonder
Of you and I
And drown in the madness of it all

I want to penetrate through this skin
From the inside

Dissolve it
And meld into One

Love is in the Air

Dreaming now with my eyes wide open
Behaving in such an expectant way
Sure of God’s wondrous plans for me
That I turn to the universe
And say, please, no more gifts
This is truly excessive

In the smallest acts of kindness and mercy
Does God reveal how little faith we have
How rarely we practice what we preach
How occasionally we allow ourselves
To feel as good
As Loved
As we imagine when we read of God’s Love

As if Love were a butterfly
An infrequent visitor
A flash of inspiration
And not the air we breathe


You’re all moving with me
In the rising tide of my life
I look around
So much more now
Really look
And all IS full of love
If we are all just energy
Then easy is right
And stopping is wrong

Energy must be loosed

Your frozen limbs atrophy and die
So move them in the way
Life instructs you
Though it makes no sense
And others scratch their heads
Your movement indeed
Is what sets you free

Camels and Characters – Washington State Chapter 1

You can’t make this stuff up.

This is Izzy the camel, who lives in Eastern Washington. I stopped on my roadtrip over to a wedding to see her because I love camels and was a little surprised to see one out here. Llamas, schmamas. This was a camel! She was very nice, besides the initial growl on my approach, with a very soft nose.

While I was petting her, and the tiny donkey tied to the outside of the post, I started talking to a rough looking old biker guy who came up to pet the camel and donkey.

After a nice exchange he said, “My name is Gary. Most people call me peg-leg.” He knocked on his lower right calf, clearly wooden. He invited me to come back to Walla Walla next weekend to watch his motorcycle drag race.

I met up with mom and dad and we went to the JCPenny to order some blinds for their church. They managed to start a rapture conversation with the store clerk, who shared their Christian beliefs and remarked what a shame it was that people have to ruin the rapture like that.

In the van with my parents, listening to Christian radio, a woman is praising the spirituality of PMS. “…and then in the cycle you get this wonderful surge of estrogen that helps you think clearly…”

In other observations, I was the thinnest person at the Timber Creek Grill Buffet today, except for maybe a 9 year old girl. I blame my new sugar-free diet for my extra sexiness and all the “looks”.

I stopped into the Skippers restaurant to use the restroom and the smell of grease was really nauseating. The bathroom was horrendous (smelled like an outhouse, doors were on their 3rd set of latches that didn’t line up, toilet was running constantly and would not flush) BUT one great feature (surely a mistake) was that the automatic towel dispenser was mounted at least six feet high, meaning you had to make an effort to reach up and wave at the sensor. It worked perfectly, and appeared to have no handprints on it. I would recommend all auto sense dispensers be placed at this level. Because it was so high up, I waved at it with a sense of caution, rather than the usual method of pounding the sensor with the pinky finger side of my fist. Longevity!