
A very personal blog tonight…I was reading in "Laughter, Tears, Silence" about a simple awareness meditation where you just breathe with awareness. The second stage was breathe, but with a small smile. This relaxes all the facial muscles and puts you instantly at ease. (And seems to make everyone around you wonder what you are so pleased about).

I immediately thought to myself, "Why don't I try this during sex?" I imagine that relaxing into the act would make it more likely that it would be obscenely pleasurable. Sometimes hitting the right spots is a downright chore. The chances a woman will orgasm during sex are around 35 percent, surmised by some to be a reason women are more choosy about whom they choose to relate with. I figure if it will boost my odds, why not? Not having a suitable partner at the moment, I have been practicing this technique solo and I have to say it works like magic. Cheers to meditation and to pleasure!

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13 years ago

Have you read Osho? If not then you look ready to read him. I got a book from him called, "From Sex to Super-consciousness". Its such a humbling read. There are tonnes of other books he has written on the subject.

13 years ago

Awesome, thanks Ajit, I will check it out!

13 years ago

Just realized the meditation book I referenced is by a woman (I just met her) who studied with Osho for 30 years. Coincidence? I think not!

13 years ago

What a perfect title for this blog post. I read this during one of my many "mini-breaks" I take while in my office staring at my pile of work. I chose your blog for my morning read and have to say that it definately made me smile :)